The Role of Toll-Free Service Providers

Your role as a Toll-Free Service Provider, also known as a Responsible Organization (Resp Org), is very important for the text enablement process in the TSSRegistry.

Each time a text enablement request for a Toll-Free Number is submitted, the TFN is immediately enabled and a notification is sent to the Resp Org Primary Contact in the SMS/800 Platform.

The purpose of the notification is to provide Resp Orgs with complete transparency into all communications services associated with a Toll-Free Number.

The Role of Toll-Free Service Providers

As the Resp Org, you have the authority to approve or reject (providing a valid reason) the text enablement request. If you do not take action within 2 business days, the request will be automatically approved. In all cases the Resp Org will be notified of the pending approved requests. The Resp Org can challenge the expired- system-approved request if exists a valid reason for rejection. Check the valid reasons for rejections below:

  • LOA Data Mismatch
  • Toll-Free Shared or Bundled Service
  • Unauthorized LOA Contact
  • Not Commercially Viable/Integrated Service
All Resp Orgs Have Access to the TSSRegistry

TSSRegistry accounts for Resp Org Primary Contacts have already been established in the TSSRegistry. Your access to the TSSRegistry for participating as a Resp Org is provided at no cost.

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